Now, i would like you to know about the 7 forms of Tantric Intercourse or Tantra intercourse

Now, i would like you to know about the 7 forms of Tantric Intercourse or Tantra intercourse

Number 1. The Closed-Touch Method

So might there be six forms of Tantra techniques that are sexual, needless to say, you will find thousands if you don’t scores of several types of sexual strategies, and additionally they generally belong to six different sorts of touch strategies.

The very first touch method is shut touch.

They are the plain items that instantly repel women intimately if that you do not learn how to avoid these, this may straight impact the outcomes you are getting in sleep.

So might there be guys whom basically master a casino game. They master the capability to satisfy females and obtain wome??n dependent on sleeping using them, then again they enter into sleep and all sorts of these other stuff trigger and it goes nowhere.

For example, we heard a terrible story recently about an individual who knows the psychology of women with regards to meeting and attracting, then again as he finally got this 1 young girl into sleep, things went awry.

Into bed” and he was going on and on and on as if it was some victory as he was telling me this story, he was so happy, like “Yeah, I got her.

All i really could think of ended up being this bad, young woman who’s about 19 yrs old – that this is certainly one of her very first intimate experiences – and just how terrible it absolutely was out there for her and what that does to the rest of us.

A woman has an experience with a horrible lover or somebody who humiliates her or shames her or cums in three seconds and doesn’t worry about her pleasure because now, every time.

Each and every time that occurs, it really causes it to be harder for ordinary people to own intercourse together with her, to up open her, allowing her to flake out and launch, because her trust degree decreases.

Then she begins questioning her instincts. She is like, “Wow, we thought this person could be cool and it also works out he had been a total a-hole. We wonder if I am able to actually trust myself. “

As she begins to concern whether she can trust by herself, the complete process decreases and sexual access slows down and sexual satisfaction slows down.

Closed touch is really essential to comprehend since there are typical forms of things you do right given that are communicating to a female that she actually is not as much as safe to you.

You don’t understand them and you don’t start correcting them now, you need to start correcting those immediately if you don’t know what those things are and.

# 2. The Sexual-Arousal Method and Its Triggers

The 2nd sort of touch strategy may be the sexual arousal strategy and its causes.

These are triggers that get a woman naturally switched on sexually, actually, and mentally.

They are items that you are going to learn are only elements that are natural.

It immediately triggers a response in her body if I touch in a certain way or touch in a certain location of touch with a certain quality.

So you should remember that there is not just one strategy. I do not get one strategy, a secret method, an “Oh, We’ll touch her here and she cums right away” method.

That is like high-school thinking.

There is no one strategy due to every one of the facets i have currently talked about, but you will find things you are able to look closely at and start your awareness up along with your framework to start out to know that sexuality is really a mind-set and in addition a skill set.

As an example, there was clearly a situation where I became simply pressing my fan in a way that is certain and I also noticed with this specific time I happened to be squeezing her.

I became simply making only a little motion that is squeezing every one of a sudden her breath changed immediately.

It absolutely was just a something that is little had never done before, and unexpectedly it had been switching on her body, also it took place similar to that.

It had been stunning, nonetheless it wasn’t like, “Oh, this is actually the technique that is magic works on every woman.

“No, it absolutely was watching that which was occurring being tuned into her and noticing that the moment I touched her in this manner, there clearly was just like a gasp.

“Ahhh, ” like this variety of noise, and I also made it happen again and there is the exact same sort of noise. Abruptly you recognize, oh okay, this might be an impression and intimate arousal tri??gger for her.

Then everything modifications immediately. It really is strange.

You are fundamentally triggering her series of foreplay, the thing I call pre-play actually, these things that start to obtain her body going and switched on and get her breathing going and her bloodstream pumping and having her tissue, all of the erectile tissue in her human anatomy starting to swell.

They are breathtaking tantra intercourse practices. These are merely breathtaking and so they are non-sexual.

They may be real strategies. They could be psychological seduction methods.

There are many more advanced strategies that I will share to you within my future articles that develop on these, you genuinely wish to begin with the start.

As an example, in the foot if you haven’t mastered closed touch which means, in other words, if you haven’t broken those habits, there’s no way you’re going to get to the more advanced techniques because you’ll be shooting yourself.

# 3. Respiration Strategies

We will also discuss breathing techniques. Ladies react to a certain group of intimate cues and you also have to know exactly exactly what they are if you’d like her orgasm.

So one of these is breathing strategies. There are breathing methods that enable her to get korean mail order brides relaxed.

There are breathing methods that enable her to flake out. There are breathing strategies that enable her to begin with to open up her arousal as well as her orgasm.

#4. Sound Methods.

There are sound strategies. In intercourse, silence is death. Once you understand just just just what these strategies are, you shall have the ability to master her leisure.

Sound is essential. Many of us, for reasons uknown (well i know exactly exactly just what our reason is – due to intimate pity and guilt and as a result of plenty of actually terrible spiritual development).

The majority of us genuinely believe that pleasure is bad or evil or incorrect so we genuinely believe that pleasure ought to be done in today’s world or otherwise not at all.

Therefore this means that, as men, you might have learned to self-pleasure or masturbate such means where you get it done actually fast and you obtain it over with quickly.

Or you orgasm quickly and you also do so quietly, and possibly there is a small grunt and, boom, let me personally get a towel or leap when you look at the bath, and after that you clean down and tidy up, for the reason that it ended up being dirty, then you are on to every day.

Most men are wired with a few form of this. Generally there’s no sound, no sound.

There is one frantic hand motion and ejaculation and it’s really like, fine, boom, over.

Than you have any clue so we really have to step out of the silence factor because the silence factor is really hurting your sex life more.

To ensure that includes music. It offers sounds that are environmental.

It provides managing the space to ensure that things sound good that you have available around you, but it also manages your voice and the quality of speaking and communication.

#5. Deep-Pleasure and techniques that are flow.

Then we possess the pleasure that is deep movement strategies and there are particular routines and you may use them to create her into total ecstasy and pleasure plus it works.

It happens. I personally use them the some time these methods alone will keep her coming right back to get more since they’re therefore profound and they are gorgeous on her behalf.

I do think in terms of intercourse, we need to keep the campsite a lot better than we found it.

If you are planning to enter her and enter her globe and experience her and engage along with her and share in a intimate experience, you might besides leave her a lot better than the manner in which you discovered her because genuinely you’re screwing it for just about any other males that can come when you by screwing this technique up and it also in fact is unfortunate.

இந்நூல் சுயமுன்னேற்ற நூல்களின் வரிசையில் பயனுள்ள, போற்றத்தக்க ஒரு புதுவரவு. பற்றாக்குறையோடு கூடிய அன்றாட வாழ்க்கையான இக்கரை வாழ்க்கையிலிருந்து சிறந்த, அபரிமிதமான அக்கரை வாழ்க்கைக்கு பயணிக்க ஒரு சிறந்த வழிக்காட்டி.

 வாழ்க்கையில் முன்னேற விழையும் எல்லோருடைய வெற்றிக்கும் இந்நூல் ஒரு திறவுகோலாக விளங்கும் என்பது திண்ணம்.
பல்வேறு பணிகளுக்கிடையே மக்களுக்கு, குறிப்பாக இளைஞர்களுக்கு மிகவும் அவசியமான இந்நூலை அழகான, எளிய தமிழ்நடையில் இயற்றி அளித்த ஆசிரியருக்கு பாராட்டுக்கள். அவர் பணி மேலும் சிறக்கட்டும்!



ஒரு நல்ல புத்தகத்தின் அடையாளம் படிக்கத் தொடங்கியவுடன் கீழே வைக்காமல் கடைசிப் பக்கம் வரை படிக்க வைப்பதே. தங்களது “இக்கரையா? அக்கரையா?” என்ற புத்தகம் எனக்கு அந்த அனுபவத்தைத் தந்தது. இது மிகவும் அருமையான சுயமுன்னேற்ற வகை புத்தகம்.

தொழில் முறையில் ஆடிட்டராக உள்ள நீங்கள் அருமையாக ஆங்கிலத்தில் எழுத முடியுமென்றாலும், தமிழ் வாசகர்களுக்குப் புதிய சிந்தனைகளைத் தரவேண்டும் என்பதற்காகவே இந்த நூலைத் தமிழில் எழுதியிருக்கிறீர்கள். அதனால் தமிழ் வாசகர்களின் நன்றிக்குரியவராகிறீர்கள்.

ஒரு வாசகன் என்ற முறையில், உங்களுக்கு என் பாராட்டையும், நன்றியையும் தெரிவித்துக்கொள்கிறேன்.

Padmashri. Dr. Nalli Kuppuswami Chetti
Padmashri. Dr. Nalli Kuppuswami Chetti(Partner M/S. Nalli Chinnasami Chetty)

திரு.ஈ.பி.திருமலை தொழில் துறையில் தனக்கென ஓர் இடத்தைப்பெற்றவர். அவரது முயற்சியும் மனித பண்பாடும் அவரை வெற்றியின் உச்சத்தை அடைய உதவியது. முற்போக்கான சிந்தனை, முரண்பாடற்ற நோக்கம், எதிலும் யதார்த்தத்தையும் உண்மையையும் உணரக்கூடிய அறிவு இவைகள் இவரது அடிப்படை ஆற்றல்கள். 

அவரது 40 ஆண்டுகளுக்கும் மேற்பட்ட அனுபவங்களின் தெள்ளிய சாராம்சம்தான் இவரது படைப்பு ‘இக்கரையா? அக்கரையா?’

சுவைபட எழுதியிருக்கிறார். அறிவுப்பூர்வமான புத்தகங்களின் நடுவில் இப்புத்தகம் தனித்து மிளிரும் என்பதில் எந்தவித ஐயமும் இல்லை. திரு.ஈ.பி.திருமலை அவர்களது இம்முயற்சி பாராட்டத்தக்கது. அவர்களுக்கு மனப்பூர்வமான வாழ்த்துக்கள்!

Shri. V.V.Sundaram
Shri. V.V.Sundaram(Cleveland Thyagaraja Festival)